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These two health experts say women should feel hungry in the morning. Here's why.

Every year, we see countless women’s health trends pop up on #HealthTok. With each season–or, really, with each month, a new hack surfaces — everything from celery juice, to period cycle syncing workouts, to yellow dragon fruit.

But as a doctor and health coach team, trained to look at the root cause of conditions, we’re less interested in the trend and more interested in the hidden symptoms they reveal.



What Makes Health Coaching So Valuable? Health Care Insiders Explain.

‘This is exactly why health coaching has become such an important—and legitimate—arm of the health care system. “Health coaching is multifaceted and tailored to the individual to help a person achieve their health-focused goals,” says Erica Zellner, M.S., CNS, LDN’


Women’s Health Magazine

What Is Water Weight Anyway?

Let's discuss the physiological aspect of water weight, first. Your body wants to naturally keep water, sodium, and electrolytes in balance, Zellner says. “When you are dehydrated, however, the body's going to want to conserve as much water as possible,” Zellner explains….


New York Magazine

Can I Drink Too Much Water?

Water intoxication is dangerous because it throws your salt and electrolyte levels out of whack. “Salts, electrolytes and minerals like potassium and magnesium have to be finely regulated by the kidneys and other barrier mechanisms in the body,” says Zellner. “All of these create a balance so that our muscles can contract and our bodies can send signals from cell to cell from neuron to neuron.”



Doctors Explain Why Anxiety Can Throw Off Your Sex Drive

The fight-or-flight response kicks the brain into action, to focus on staying alive. “Your anxious body prioritizes creating stress hormones like cortisol at the expense of sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone,” Erica Zellner, a health coach at medical provider Parsley Health, tells Bustle. Those sex hormones are responsible for regulating your libido, and also help lubrication and arousal.


huff post

7 Mistakes You're Making In The Morning That Ruin Your Productivity

“Multitasking reduces productivity by up to 40% and can have negative long-term effects on the brain,” she explained. She urges her clients to focus on one thing for a given period of time, which has the added bonus of potentially putting them in a state of flow.

Transitioning to monotasking can take a few weeks, Zellner said, as you retrain your brain to focus on a specific task for longer periods of time. But stick with it, and pencil in plenty of breaks.”


Yahoo Life

11 Very realistic Health and Fitness Resolutions That You Can Be Happy About

"Resolutions that are about adding something rather than subtracting are mentally easier to achieve," Erica Zellner, MS, a health coach at Parsley Health, explains. "Instead of saying that you want to lose weight, why not try resolving to add three more vegetable servings to each day?"



5 Chia Seed Side Effects You Didn’t Know About

In general, chia seeds are good for your digestive system because they've got so much fiber, Zellner says — but too much might upset your stomach. "Excessive fiber intake or concentrated fiber intake can for some cause symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, or gas," she explains. If you have Crohn's disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, you might want to take extra care to moderate your chia seed intake, Zellner adds, especially during a flare-up.

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Quarter Life Crisis Podcast

How Can We Know Ourselves? Ft. Erica Zellner

The girls (minus Kaitlyn) welcome special guest, Erica Zellner - health coach at Parsley Health. Amanda and Erica basically nerd out about nutrition as well as their deep affinity for one another. Erica talks about at-home tests you can do to better understand why certain things could be happening in your body, and how to know yourself better overall. Morgan shares a disgusting memory from Big Brother that left Amanda and Erica speechless. And, of course, we talk about the importance of flattening the curve amidst COVID-19. Bless your quarantined hearts.


Women’s Health Magazine

20 Ways To Lose Weight Without Counting Calories, According To Experts And Real Women

One way to keep yourself full, satiated, and energized is by making sure you keep your blood sugar in check, Zellner says. “I recommend that people create blood sugar balanced meals and snacks where they have fiber, fat, and protein present,” Zellner says. “This slows down digestion and increases the satiation, which would make you eat less. It also tends to increase the nutrient value in that meal.” TL;DR, filling your plates with lots of carbs and sugars *only* can make your blood sugar crash, which leads to less satiation, more food, and less energy. (No thank you.)


The Everygirl

Feeling Burnt Out? Here Are 7 Ways Experts Recommend Dealing With It.

By establishing a physical boundary or action, you’ll be sending a strong signal to your brain that work is done for the day and you can ‘shut down’ your work brain to transition to your non-work self. For example, practice breath work at the beginning and end of your workday, or make a ritual around both turning on and shutting down your workstation.


Yahoo Life

Here's What to Take If You Want to Stop a Cold in Its Tracks

“In addition to protecting and treating the common cold, it helps with bronchitis, upper respiratory infections, and some inflammatory conditions, adds Erica Zellner, MS, CNS, senior health coach at Parsley Health. "It's high in antioxidants (molecules that help your body fight oxidative stress), including flavonoids, cichoric acid, and rosmarinic acid," Zellner says.”



9 Things You Need to Know About Liquid Vitamins Before Taking Them

Liquid vitamins do have a shorter shelf life than their pill or capsule counterparts. "Some supplements, such as vitamin C, will begin to degrade when exposed to oxygen," Zellner says. "External conditions are not the only limiting factor that can impair the bioactivity level of a liquid supplement. Without the protective layer of a tablet or capsule, the micronutrients are subject to the pH levels of your stomach acid and can be broken down completely before ever reaching the small intestine where proper absorption can occur."



Food As Medicine- What Does That Really Mean

… the fact is, our bodies are incomprehensibly complex. If, for example, I consume 100 milligrams of vitamin C at one meal, and 500 milligrams at a second meal, this does not mean that the second meal leads to five times as much vitamin C reaching the tissue where it works…


Nourish mel podcast

Staying Grounded at Home with Erica Zellner

Erica Zellner is a health coach with Parsley Health in Los Angeles and she has tons of information to give out today about how to deal with stress at home.  These are anxious times and Erica gives her top tips on why setting up a routine and even sticking to old ones but being flexible at the same time can help us stay grounded and adapted. She talks about how inflammation affects our bodies physically and especially for women, our menstrual cycle. It was a light hearted conversation, we busted some myths and overall wanted to inspire all of you listeners to look for the silver lining of #stayinghome.

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parsley health

How To Maintain Some Sense of Normalcy Right Now- And Why It’s Important

“Put your keyboard away, move your files out of sight, and your living space will feel like your living space again… instead of your office. “This sends a signal to your brain that you’re done, and that boundary allows you to let go of stressors,” says Zellner.“


Parsley health

How To Have A Healthy Relationship With Your Phone (Even In The Midst Of Coronavirus)

“As Zellner explains it: “This is a time to recognize that we’re going to be using technology more often.” Since there’s no escaping that fact, it’s important to focus on how we can use technology to feel better and be more connected to others. “There are many tools at our disposal right now, from FaceTime to Zoom video calls, playing games together online, and you can even watch movies together through Netflix Party,” says Zellner. “


Parsley health

The Easiest Way to Boost Your Health? Step Outside.

“Our bodies thrive on routine,” Zellner says. So making a habit of spending time outside will ultimately condition your body to adjust to any triggers it may encounter. “The thing that used to cause a major cortisol spike will eventually only cause a moderate cortisol spike,” she says.”


Yahoo Lifestyle

11 Very Realistic Health and Fitness Resolutions That Won’t Drive You Crazy

"Resolutions that are about adding something rather than subtracting are mentally easier to achieve," Erica Zellner, MS, a health coach at Parsley Health, explains. "Instead of saying that you want to lose weight, why not try resolving to add three more vegetable servings to each day?"



7 Effects of Burnout, and What to Do About It

"The big thing about burnout is feeling like you have no control, feeling completely powerless, so by starting small changes, you're taking back the control and you are going to start building toward being back on top of your stressors," Zellner says.




Your Guide to Working Out When It’s Way Too Hot

“As long as you're paying attention to your body's needs during your workout and being a little bit more gentle with yourself, no fitness routine is off limits, Zellner says. "Be conscious of what your body is telling you."


Net A Porter

The Pegan Diet: What You Need To Know

“The pegan diet takes the best of the paleo and vegan worlds,” says Erica Zellner, a health coach at primary care start-up Parsley Health. Think of pegan as a much more plant-forward version of the paleo approach.”


Man Repeller

Are Muffins a Health Food Now or Is That Just Another Scam?

“Gluten-free tells you that they are using a flour option that does not contain glutinous grains, which is great if you’re sensitive to gluten but does not automatically make it a healthy option,” she said. Sugar-free labels always give me pause as a nutritionist, because I’m very cautious about what they’re replacing the sugar with.”
