
Free Post-Holiday Detox

It's been a great holiday season, amiright? 

I don't know about you, but I definitely had plenty of chances to indulge in sweet treats, social events, lots of laughter, and my favorite seasonal treat...EGG NOG! Friends, I cannot tell you how much I love egg nog,and how much egg nog does not love me back! I'm bloated, my face is broken out, and I'm a little afraid to step onto the scale :) I am sure I'm not alone here. That's why I've created a FREE 3-day, post holiday detox full of totally nourishing whole foods to get us back in the right habits and to make 2017 our healthiest year yet! Included in this detox are breakfast, lunches, and dinners for all three days, with printable recipe cards, and even snack ideas! At the end of the three days, you'll be feeling lighter, healthier, and ready to take on 2017 with a purpose!

Want in? All you need to do is fill out the form below before January 3, 2017. I will email you everything you need for the 3-Day Reset! You won't be put on any annoying newsletter list and I promise not to spam you with anything other than the materials for the detox! What do you have to lose?


Remember, submissions must be in by January 3, 2017! 

I hope you have a happy, healthy 2017! 

