Carbohydrates 101, Part One

 Nutrition focus is almost always shifting. From fats are the worst (hello 1980’s) to fats are the best! (a current swing in the dialogue). When we demonize one macronutrient, we glorify another. Currently, it seems like the trend in ‘popular nutrit…


Nutrition focus is almost always shifting. From fats are the worst (hello 1980’s) to fats are the best! (a current swing in the dialogue). When we demonize one macronutrient, we glorify another. Currently, it seems like the trend in ‘popular nutrition’ is tending toward low carb and higher healthy fats and moderate protein. I can’t say I’m upset about this trend, because it’s great to see healthy fats on the table again! But, the downside to that trend is that we are collectively avoiding carbohydrates! With that being said, I believe carbohydrates are the one macronutrient that fall into the extreme more often than the other two- folks tend to go REALLY high carbohydrate or REALLY low carbohydrate. We cannot totally hate on one macronutrient- all three are important to balance a healthy lifestyle!

 That’s why today, I’m sharing the first macronutrient-focused post in my The Basics series, Carbohydrates 101. Some points on the agenda for today include: what are carbohydrates? How do our bodies use carbs? How do we digest carbs? How many carbohydrates do I need? Then, in part two we will talk about some dysfunctions with carbohydrate usage and storage, and what that might mean for your health and I’ll give you some great examples of whole food carbohydrates to include in your diet. Let’s get going!

What are Carbohydrates?

Simply speaking, carbohydrates are the sugars, starches, and fibers found in food. Carbohydrates are made up of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon atoms. They are also known as saccharides (which translate to ‘sugar’) and are categorized into four groups: monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. Each type is based off of how many molecules make up each saccharide. Monosaccharides and disaccharides are digested very quickly because their simple structure is easy to break down, while oligo and polysaccharides digest more slowly because they are more complex.

How are Carbohydrates used in our body?

Unless taught differently (I’m looking at you, Keto fans!), carbs are our body’s preferred fuel source. Carbs tend to be a quick and easy burn, creating nearly immediate energy for our brain, muscles, cells, etc. Each gram of carbohydrate is approximately 4 calories of useable energy for our bodies.

Your body on carbs:

Brain: Our brain uses about 120g glucose per day and prefers carbohydrates, as they easily convert to glucose!

Muscle: Our muscles use carbs as fuel, but can also convert ketone and fatty acid bodies into fuel for use. Excess carbohydrates are stored in our muscles as glycogen. Generally speaking, we can store up to 1200 calories worth of carbs in our muscles!

Fat Cells: If our 1200cal of storage is full, we store excess carbohydrates (known as triglycerides) in our fat cells (adipose tissue) for use later. This storage was used primarily for preventing starvation during famine times, now; we have an overabundance of easily accessible food and rarely need to worry about famine conditions!

Kidneys: Your kidneys are very busy little organs! They are responsible for removing waste (as urine) and reabsorbing what we can use again, like sodium, minerals, etc. This constant filtering requires a lot of energy!

Liver: Our liver uses glucose constantly to fuel its metabolic functions. Our liver produces proteins that are vital for blood clotting, breaks down old and damaged blood cells, breaks down fats for metabolism, and is continuously secreting bile for proper digestion!

Additionally, a discussion on how our bodies use carbohydrates would be incomplete without talking about insulin, glycogen, and gluconeogenesis, and a few other “G” terms. In the simplest terms, I’d like you to understand these important components:

Insulin: our storage hormone! Insulin is created in the pancreas when there is too much sugar in our bloodstream from an intake of carbohydrates that is too high for our current needs. Insulin wants our blood sugar to stay level, and if our muscles and organs cannot immediately use ingested carbs, insulin tells our body to store the extra for later needs.

Glucagon: our release hormone! Glucagon is the opposite of insulin, it is also created in the pancreas and senses when there is too little glucose in our blood stream. Glucagon tells our liver to release stored carbohydrates and convert them into glucose to bring our blood glucose level back to normal.

Think of insulin and glucagon like the thermostat in your home. If you have the thermostat set at 75 degrees, it will work to stay there. When the temperature dips below 75, the heat will kick on. If the temperature rises above 75, your air conditioner will engage. Always keeping your home at 75. Our blood sugar balance works much in the same way. If there is too much sugar in our bloodstream, insulin will tell your body to store the excess glucose. If there is too little, glucagon will tell the liver to release stored carbs to raise the blood sugar levels. Keeping homeostasis, or keeping balance, is critical for proper body functioning.

Glycogen: the storage form of carbohydrates.

Gluconeogenesis: the act of making glucose from alternative sources (i.e. not carbohydrate sources) such as proteins and fats (amino acids and fatty acids).

Glycogenolysis: the breakdown of glycogen in the muscles and liver tissues as directed by insulin or glucagon.

Glycogenesis: the making of glycogen.

Was that too scienc-y for you? I hope not! It’ll get a little better from here :)

Digestion of Carbohydrates

The digestion of carbohydrates begins in our mouth, with the amylase enzyme. This enzyme is specifically in charge of breaking down carbohydrates, and then follows a roller coaster of stomach acid and chyme in our stomach and digestive enzymes in the small intestine to break down the carbohydrates into their simplest form, monosaccharides. Once they are in this form, they can be absorbed and utilized. Ultimately, glucose will head to the liver to be utilized or stored. Any carbohydrates that are not yet absorbed, will flow through to the large intestine and colon. Fiber from our food cannot be absorbed or digested, and contributes to our stool, helping remove waste products from our body.

How many carbohydrates do we need?

Trick question, technically none! Our bodies love using carbs because they are so easy to break down and such a quick source of energy, however, we can create glucose from amino acids and fatty acids if we need to! The amount that you will function best with depends on a lot of factors such as: age, genetics, lifestyle, activity level, injuries/illnesses, and your body’s ability to break down and utilize carbs. We can look at your specific needs in an initial intake based off of your goals and functioning!

I think that’s enough for one day and one post! I hope you found this entry enlightening and understandable. I know we got a little scienc-y for a few minutes there, but I promise you’re a better person for knowing more! You can never be overdressed or overeducated!

 In Carbohydrates 101 Part 2 we will look at dysfunctions with carbohydrate usage and storage, types of carbohydrates, and examples of good, whole food carbohydrates to incorporate into your diet!

Are there any other topics you’d like to see me cover in Carbs 101 Part 2?


2016 In Review

With another year coming to a rapid close, let's take a look back at some of the most influential research studies that deepened our understanding of nutrition during the last year. 

1. Our gut microbiome is incredibly important to our overall health

I love all the research that is coming out focused on our gut health. The health of our gut microbiome is so incredibly important to our overall health- in so many ways! There was a lot of focus on this topic in published research this year. Here are some of my favorite studies related to our gut:

High fat diets can adversely affect your gut flora and promote inflammation and weight gain
Imbalances in your gut bacteria are linked to a range of psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety, autism, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety, and more
Early use of antibiotics in children can alter the natural population of microbes, leading to a higher risk of weight gain and asthma later in life

The takeaway: our gut is so incredibly important! More focus in our diet needs to be placed on preserving the diversity of our gut microbiome. 

2. The sugar industry cannot be trusted (duh!)

Just a few weeks back, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a systematic review and meta-analysis of 340+ studies based on one question: Is food industry sponsorship associated with outcomes that favor the sponsor? The answer: yes. Their analysis suggested that industry sponsorship of nutrition studies is definitely associated with conclusions that favor the sponsors. Suggestion is not proof positive, and in research, it is difficult to be definitive, but this study is an addition to the ever growing list of reasons one must be very cautious when looking at published studies. 

a literature review published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which singled out fat and cholesterol as the dietary causes of CHD and downplayed evidence that sucrose consumption was also a risk factor.

This effect is not exclusive to the sugar industry, of course, but the sugar industry has a long history of funding studies in order to promote a result that is in their best interest. We saw this in the 1960's when big sugar funded Harvard researchers to shift blame for heart disease from sugar to fat. This study, and subsequent line of thinking influenced food policy and perception for decades, demonizing fats and spurring years of unhealthy processed carbohydrate consumption, increasing our waistlines and skyrocketing our incidence of preventable disease. 

The takeaway: Just because something is peer reviewed, does not mean it is truthful. There is bias in every study. Look at who is funding the research. Think about whether the outcome makes sense. If it's too good to be true, it probably is!


3. Metabolism slow down after Biggest Loser competition

This was really interesting, a study was published in May looking at why the winners of the NBC hit show The Biggest Loser tend to regain the weight (and sometimes more!) 

Several former participants were included in this study, which saw that, on average, contestants began with 49% body fat (pre-competition), dipped to (average) 28%, and then went back up to an average of 45%. It was expected that their metabolism would change with their weight loss and gain, but that was not the finding. 

Metabolism appears to act like a spring, the more effort you exert to lose weight, the more it stretches out, and the harder it will spring back, regaining and holding onto the fat that was lost.

What was found instead, was that as participants lost weight, their metabolism slowed (this is normal), but when their weight began to creep back up, their metabolism did not increase with their weight. 

This shattered the old mythology that if you exercised enough, you could keep your metabolism high. The body works hard to defend the energy stores (in case of famine). It will want to put the weight back on, making it difficult to maintain significant weight loss. At this point, it is not known how much of this effect is due to the drastic nature of the weight loss competition or if there are other factors at play. 

The takeaway: it looks like drastic weight loss is unsustainable, however, slower and more healthful weight loss may not have the same detrimental effects. 

What other news stories did you find fascinating in 2016? 


Free Post-Holiday Detox

It's been a great holiday season, amiright? 

I don't know about you, but I definitely had plenty of chances to indulge in sweet treats, social events, lots of laughter, and my favorite seasonal treat...EGG NOG! Friends, I cannot tell you how much I love egg nog,and how much egg nog does not love me back! I'm bloated, my face is broken out, and I'm a little afraid to step onto the scale :) I am sure I'm not alone here. That's why I've created a FREE 3-day, post holiday detox full of totally nourishing whole foods to get us back in the right habits and to make 2017 our healthiest year yet! Included in this detox are breakfast, lunches, and dinners for all three days, with printable recipe cards, and even snack ideas! At the end of the three days, you'll be feeling lighter, healthier, and ready to take on 2017 with a purpose!

Want in? All you need to do is fill out the form below before January 3, 2017. I will email you everything you need for the 3-Day Reset! You won't be put on any annoying newsletter list and I promise not to spam you with anything other than the materials for the detox! What do you have to lose?


Remember, submissions must be in by January 3, 2017! 

I hope you have a happy, healthy 2017! 



Juicing 101

Welcome to the Erica Zellner Nutrition Blog. Today we are taking a look at the basics of juicing. What is juicing? What kind of juicer should I get? How do I get started? All of this and more will be answered in this short blog post! Let's get start…

Welcome to the Erica Zellner Nutrition Blog. Today we are taking a look at the basics of juicing. What is juicing? What kind of juicer should I get? How do I get started? All of this and more will be answered in this short blog post! Let's get started. 

What is juicing:

Juicing is the process of extracting the natural water, vitamins and minerals from raw fruits and vegetables. Juicing strips away the solid and fibrous parts of the plant and leaves only the liquid. This is liquid gold that you are left with! This beverage is loaded with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, enzymes, and phytonutrients, in addition to the vitamins and minerals found in the fruit or vegetable. Juicing is the best ‘fast food’ you can consume! When you drink a fresh juice, it only takes about 15 minutes for your body to absorb and begin putting to use all those beneficial compounds!

Different Types of Juicers:

Before you go out and buy a juicer, it’s best to become familiar with the different types and which type will best suit your needs. Some factors to consider when deciding on a type of juicer include how the juicer produces juice, how long the juice will stay fresh (read: nutritionally intact), and the variety of produce your juicer can process.

There are five types of juicers that we will discuss today: centrifugal  juicers, masticating juicers, triturating juicers, and manual juicers.

Centrifugal Juicers

Centrifugal juicers are probably the most widely available types of juicers. You will see them in department stores such as Macys or JC Penny as well as places like Target and Wal Mart. They are generally, very affordable and can be easily found under $100.

Centrifugal juicers are named for the way they work. These juicers use a cutting blade to chop the produce and then spin the produce at very high speeds through a strainer to separate the pulp from the juice.  This rapid spinning action makes this type of juicer less efficient at extracting juice than other types, leaving the discarded pulp quite moist and the high speed produces heat and friction, which will inevitably oxidize the fresh juice. The result can be a degradation of the taste and compromise of the quality of nutrients produced. Juice from this type of juicer cannot withstand storage due to the oxidation and degradation of the nutrients.  Centrifugal juicers are generally easy to use and to clean and are the quickest method of producing fresh juice.

The take away: This juicer is a good choice for someone who is looking for the quickest way to make a fresh juice and will be consuming the juice immediately. This is also an economical option, as centrifugal juicers tend to be less expensive than other types and can be found in many different stores.

Masticating Juicers

I am a little biased here, because this is the type of juicer I personally own and use, and I believe is the best option for most people. Masticating juicers have a single gear (called an auger), that crushes the fruit and vegetables into pulp and slowly releases the juice as a result. Unlike the centrifugal juicer, the masticating juicer runs at a much lower speed, limiting the oxidation and preserving most of the vital enzymes and nutrients. This juicer is also much more efficient than a centrifugal juicer, producing a dry pulp and maximizing the amount of juice that is collected. Thanks to the minimization of oxidation, this juice can safely be stored (air tight and refrigerated) for up to 72 hours without major nutrient loss. This means you can make larger quantities of juice to sip on throughout the week, with less of an overall time investment. These juicers tend to be around the $250-$350 range.

The take away: This type of juicer will produce the most juice from your fruits and veggies and will preserve nutrients for storage up to 72 hours. It is a higher initial investment than a centrifugal juicer, but these juicers tend to last longer than other types.

Triturating Juicers

Also known as twin gear juicers, these are the top of the line and champions of the juicer world. These juicers extract fresh juice from produce using twin gears that interlock with each other while rotating inwards - crushing everything you put between them into a very dry pulp. Triturating juicers operate at a very low speed, producing no heat and ensuring thorough juicing of all produce while simultaneously preventing air getting trapped in the juice and causing oxidation. This is the best option for someone for whom price is not an issue as they tend to be in the $1,000 and up price range.

The take away: These juicers are very versatile, the top of the line. They are some of the best juicers available but that does not mean they are the best choice for you. Just as you wouldn't buy a Limo when all you plan on doing is driving to and from work, there's no need to spring for a triturating juicer unless you really have use for it.

Manual Juicers

Just like their name suggests, these juicers are operated by hand and are relatively inexpensive. Most of the manual juicers you will see on the market will either be for citrus or wheatgrass. Manual juicers are limited in the variety of produce they can process. They are a worthwhile investment if you are looking to just try out juicing without wanting to invest too much financially upfront.

The take away: Manual juicers need elbow grease! Depending on your strength and endurance, you can juice relatively quickly, or not so quickly. Harder produce, such as carrots or celery, may be difficult for you to juice with a manual juicer, so you may be limited as to what kinds of juices you can create for yourself.

What To Juice

Try to always choose organic, and if you cannot shop exclusively organic, at least adhere to the dirty dozen for produce.


·         Dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, romaine, mustard greens, dandelion greens, swiss chard, etc.

·         Herbs such as mint, basil, parsley, cilantro, etc.

·         Carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, beets, celery, ginger root, etc.


·         Citrus such as grapefruit, oranges, limes, lemons, etc

·         Kiwi, apples, pears, pineapple, berries, watermelon, etc

How to Juice:

Remove any inedible skin (such as the hard skin on lemons) and thoroughly wash all other fruits and vegetables.

Dice produce to fit the size of your juicers chute. Slowly pass produce through the juicer, alternating leafy greens with other fruits/veg if applicable.

Drink immediately or store in an air-tight container and refrigerate.


Easy Juicing Recipes:

·         Three organic carrots, two organic green apples, one thumb of ginger

·         Three stalks organic celery, ½ large organic cucumber, one organic green apple, one organic pear

·         Two medium organic beets with green tops, one cup organic blueberries, one cup organic strawberries

·         One bunch organic spinach, two organic yellow delicious apples, 1 organic lemon peeled, two organic oranges, one thumb ginger peeled, eight stems organic mint

I hope this blog post gave you a great introduction to the world of juicing! Stay tuned for future juicing recipes that I love and use often.
